Activation limits for games caused a lot of negative feedback from the gamer community. People felt that their games went from an ownership model to a more limited, renting model. The obvious thing to do for a publisher after all this backlash would be to ease their DRM measures. So what does Ubisoft decide to do? Introduce a new, draconian DRM scheme of course! So, what does their new baby do? Each Ubisoft game will regularly connect to one of their back-end servers. In other words, you have to be on-line all the time, even when playing a single player game. They're trying to put it in a nice spotlight: you don't need your CD in the drive any more! And your game saves are stored on their servers! A very useful feature promised by Valve years ago but it doesn't change the fact that you have to be on-line all the time . At least with Valves Steam I still have the option to use my off-line mode This does mean that you won't be able to play on your laptop. Want to pl...